Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition: Final Chapter

Day 7

It was time for his date with Janice. After how well things went with Gloria Drake was feeling confident. They started off with a little conversation...

 And then a nice massage...

...and then a kiss! 

And a few more kisses..

  "I had a lovely evening, Drake. Whoever you choose, I hope you'll be happy."

Day 8

Now it was time for his second date with Andrea...and then, he would have to choose which one of them would have to leave that night. Drake didn't know how he was going to decide.

Andrea had been particularly down in the dumps lately, more than the others getting upset when Drake flirted with the other women. But once they were alone again she perked right up.

 Andrea loved to snuggle. Drake couldn't say he minded.
Drake was very happy with how the date went. Now he had to decide which one of the three ladies to send home.
It was a hard decision, but ultimately he chose Gloria.
"I was a little disappointed, but I do think either Janice or Andrea would be a better match for him. I wish him all the best!"

The finale

The big day was here. The final party, where Drake would choose the woman he would hopefully marry. 

Drake thought he wouldn't be able to ever decide between the two of them, but after spending time with them together he realized he must have known all along.
There was only one woman for him, and that woman was...


 He proposed on the spot, and she said yes!
 Congratulations to the happy couple!

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