Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition: Days 5 & 6

Day 5

Drake took Natalie, Gloria, and Janice to the park for their outing. It didn't go well. Everybody was tense and when Drake showed attention to anyone, the others would get upset.

Drake decided it was time to send Natalie home. Of all of them, she seemed the most unhappy.
"I realized that I didn't want a man that badly. I mean, it's not worth all this headache, you know? I'm happy remaining single."

Day 6

And then there were three. The tension just seemed to rise in the house. Drake tried to be nice to everyone but there was just so much jealousy.

Drake had to take one of them on a date that night, and chose Gloria. He hoped getting her away from the others would make her feel better.

It seemed to do the trick. By the end of the night they were quite cozy.

"I had a lovely evening, Gloria."

"Me too Drake, thank you."

Drake and Gloria headed home. As Drake settled into bed, he thought about the two dates he had left...how could he choose between these women?

Stay tuned!

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