Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition Days 3 & 4

Day 3

Drake went on his outing with Janice and Gloria. He tried to be smooth but apparently he was doing something wrong...both women quickly became uncomfortable and the whole situation just got very awkward.

It got worse when Nora showed up. The three ladies started gossiping and Drake just sat there, embarrassed. "I thought I was getting the hang of this thing," he thought miserably.

Gloria felt bad for Drake. "You just don't know what you're doing, honey. Maybe it'll be easier when you can be one on one with us." Drake was grateful for her kind words and he gladly accepted her hug.

Once again, it was time to send someone packing. It was a hard decision, but he chose Maren.
"I never thought I really had a chance anyway, but I had fun! I hope Drake and I can remain friends!"

Day 4

Everyone was up bright and early to be presented with the new challenge...fishing! Whoever caught the most fish would win a one on one date with Drake! The ladies got their poles ready...
...and didn't have any luck. No one was catching anything! Then, with barely ten minutes left, Janice caught a fish. Janice was excited, surely no one was going to beat her now. But then at the last minute, Andrea also caught a fish. The judges declared hers more valuable and she won the first solo date with Drake!

 Drake was very nervous. He decided to take a soothing bath before his date. Lavender soaks can be very relaxing, and women like the smell of lavender, right?

Once he and Andrea got to the nightclub, they sat down and began to chat. As the night progressed he started feeling more at ease and began to flirt with her. It seemed to be going well.

After awhile he decided to make a move and see what happened. She didn't seem to mind.

 She really didn't seem to mind.

The date went great! Drake was practically floating as they headed home.  He couldn't wait to see what the next day brought.

Stay tuned!

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