Thursday, September 24, 2015

Drifter House 2: Ugly Edition: The Finale

 Cressida was standing at Bowen's grave mourning when she suddenly felt something behind her. She turned around and...
"Bowen??? How...?"
 "I couldn't leave you and Randall, my love," Bowen said. "I want to be here for you and him, always."

Randall came outside and was shocked at what he saw. "Daddy...but, you're dead!"
Cressida and Bowen tried to explain, but they could tell that the little boy was confused and a bit frightened by the turn of events.

After Randall went to bed Cressida and Bowen rekindled their flame.

"Will you marry me again?"
"I want nothing more."
They renewed their vows right there.

Bowen stayed up all night, watching Randall sleep.  "I promise son, I'm never leaving you again."

Time passed, and things were as they once had been. Cressida and Bowen were more in love than ever...

 And Randall soon adjusted as well. As he become a teenager, he and  Bowen became close.

  Randall, inspired by photos of his late Grandpa Randolf, decided to emulate his style.
Randall also is very fond of his lump of clay.

One day Cressida got a phone call from Calpurnia to come and visit. Cressida enjoyed spending time with her older niece Mara and her brother-in-law, Farhan...

...and her younger niece, Blake.

She had just gotten home when...what was that light??

 Cressida didn't remember much of what happened, except that the aliens seemed to be really fond of Jenga.

Time seemed to pass so quickly! Soon Randall had reached adulthood. It was time for him to set out on his own adventure.
 House 3 coming soon!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Drifter House 2: Ugly Edition Part 2

Now that Randall was old enough, it was time to head to Granite Falls. Before they left however, it was Bowen's birthday. Cressida felt sad. She'd just lost her parents, and she knew that Bowen wouldn't live to see Randall grow up.

 As soon as they arrived at Granite Falls Cressida decided to try her luck at fishing while her husband and son found other ways to have fun.

Randall's idea of fun was to climb into the garbage can outside their cabin. Cressida sent him straight to the bath when she got back.

Later that night they roasted marshmallows over the campfire...well, Bowen and Randall did,  Cressida roasted some beetles.
 "Mommy, you're not going to eat those, are you?"
"Of course not dear, it's just for the experience."
Cressida later caught Bowen snacking on the beetles. She reminded herself to have him brush his teeth before he kissed her next.

 The days passed, and Cressida drew ever closer to her goal. She'd heard the rumors of a mysterious hermit living in the deep woods and after some investigation she found the secret entrance to their home. He turned out to be a nice older man and they did some cloud gazing before she headed back to the cabin.

Meanwhile Randall was doing some cloud gazing of his own...while laying in a pile of garbage. This kid really was a lot like his Grandpa.

Cressida had finally achieved her goal, and was eager to celebrate with her family. She was back at the cabin making dinner when...


 Bowen was gone. Cressida knew it was coming but she had hoped it wouldn't be so soon. She couldn't even cry, she just felt numb.

They returned home with an emptiness in their hearts. How would they go on without Bowen? Poor little Randall was inconsolable.

Final chapter coming might surprise you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Drifter House 2: Ugly Edition Part 1

 Cressida set out to start her own Drifting adventure. She was so excited to start that she forgot to take a shower before she left home. She rather regrets that now.

Cressida's mother came to see how things were going. "Guess what!" She said. "Calpurnia got married! I can't wait until you find someone special too!"
"I don't really have anything to offer someone right now, Mother."

Calpurnia stopped by and Cressida was shocked to see that her sister was expecting! "I'm so jealous of you," Cressida said.
"Your time will come sis," Calpurnia said. "I have faith in you."

Cressida decided she needed to start her hunt. She'd seen a couple of attractive mailmen in the neighborhood and tried her luck with them first. The first one turned out to be quite rude. The other mailman proved to be much the same.
 Cressida was feeling discouraged. Maybe she just wasn't meant to find love...

 ...oh my, who's this handsome gardener?

He introduced himself as Bowen. Cressida was immediately smitten and the two of them spent the day together.

They saw each other every day, and got closer and closer. Cressida decided he was the one.

Her heart was in her throat when she proposed to him...he said yes! They eloped immediately.

Not long after, little Randall was born!

Randall is now a child.. 
and the family will be heading to Granite Falls to help Cressida achieve her dream of being a true, woman. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Drifter House 1: Ugly Edition: The Finale

Randolf got a few novels published, and the royalties started coming in. It wasn't a lot of money yet, but they could finally afford an actual roof over their heads!

Time passed, and the girls grew up. Calpurnia:

And our heiress, Cressida

Randolf is proud of his girls, even though they sometimes 'forget' to go to school. Cressida in particular is not a very good student. But that doesn't mean she isn't smart, and she has a mind to continue on the Drifting path, which Randolf is quite happy about.

And Ratna is quite proud of Randolf. He is now a bestselling author and the house becomes more beautiful by the day.

Time has passed quickly, and Randolf has retired from an illustrious career.

The twins have become adults, and Cressida is eager to move out to begin her Drifting adventure! Stay tuned for Cressida's adventures in House 2!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Drifter House 1: Ugly Edition

 Meet Randolf.
Randolf has big dreams. He wants to become a bestselling author. He's starting out with no money and only an empty plot of land to his name. 

He wanted to concentrate on his career, but unexpectedly he fell in love with a local woman named Ratna. She fully supported his dreams, and didn't seem to mind that they were sleeping on a mattress in the open air. Or that Randolf's a little, um, unfortunate looking.

They had intended to wait until Randolf's career took off to have a family, but their passions ignited...

...and she ended up in the family way. Randolf suddenly felt a lot of pressure to succeed faster.

That pressure doubled when Ratna gave birth to twin girls!

Ratna was trying to be patient and wait for Randolf's writing career to take off, but she was becoming more unhappy. She tried to get Randolf to give up on his dream and get a regular job.
"Baby I promise, once the royalties start rolling in we'll be set! Randolf said. "You'll see!"

But the twins are getting older, and the family still struggles. Ratna is putting more and more pressure on Randolf to succeed so the twins, Cressida:

And Calpurnia:

Don't have to keep living like this...
Will Randolf succeed in achieving his dream? Stay tuned!

 Randolf's original creator: Origin ID escapisst2002

Friday, September 18, 2015

Drifter House 7: The Final Chapter

The bear did not make another appearance for the rest of their vacation. On the day they were set to leave, they celebrated Garett's birthday.

The day after they got home, it was Paul's turn!

Later that night the household was awoken by the fire alarm! What was going on??
Oh my..Glenda decided to cook herself a midnight snack and it didn't go quite as planned. Thank goodness they had those sprinklers installed. After getting over the initial shock Abby had to laugh...the exact thing had happened to her when she was Glenda's age!

A few days later, it was the triplets' birthday! Here's Charlene:

Abraham (he doesn't like getting his picture taken...his eyes are the same color as his brother's)

And Abner!

And just a few days later, it was Glenda's turn!
That concludes House 7 of The Drifter Challenge! Join us soon in the further adventures of Glenda in House 8!