Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition: Final Chapter

Day 7

It was time for his date with Janice. After how well things went with Gloria Drake was feeling confident. They started off with a little conversation...

 And then a nice massage...

...and then a kiss! 

And a few more kisses..

  "I had a lovely evening, Drake. Whoever you choose, I hope you'll be happy."

Day 8

Now it was time for his second date with Andrea...and then, he would have to choose which one of them would have to leave that night. Drake didn't know how he was going to decide.

Andrea had been particularly down in the dumps lately, more than the others getting upset when Drake flirted with the other women. But once they were alone again she perked right up.

 Andrea loved to snuggle. Drake couldn't say he minded.
Drake was very happy with how the date went. Now he had to decide which one of the three ladies to send home.
It was a hard decision, but ultimately he chose Gloria.
"I was a little disappointed, but I do think either Janice or Andrea would be a better match for him. I wish him all the best!"

The finale

The big day was here. The final party, where Drake would choose the woman he would hopefully marry. 

Drake thought he wouldn't be able to ever decide between the two of them, but after spending time with them together he realized he must have known all along.
There was only one woman for him, and that woman was...


 He proposed on the spot, and she said yes!
 Congratulations to the happy couple!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition: Days 5 & 6

Day 5

Drake took Natalie, Gloria, and Janice to the park for their outing. It didn't go well. Everybody was tense and when Drake showed attention to anyone, the others would get upset.

Drake decided it was time to send Natalie home. Of all of them, she seemed the most unhappy.
"I realized that I didn't want a man that badly. I mean, it's not worth all this headache, you know? I'm happy remaining single."

Day 6

And then there were three. The tension just seemed to rise in the house. Drake tried to be nice to everyone but there was just so much jealousy.

Drake had to take one of them on a date that night, and chose Gloria. He hoped getting her away from the others would make her feel better.

It seemed to do the trick. By the end of the night they were quite cozy.

"I had a lovely evening, Gloria."

"Me too Drake, thank you."

Drake and Gloria headed home. As Drake settled into bed, he thought about the two dates he had could he choose between these women?

Stay tuned!

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition Days 3 & 4

Day 3

Drake went on his outing with Janice and Gloria. He tried to be smooth but apparently he was doing something wrong...both women quickly became uncomfortable and the whole situation just got very awkward.

It got worse when Nora showed up. The three ladies started gossiping and Drake just sat there, embarrassed. "I thought I was getting the hang of this thing," he thought miserably.

Gloria felt bad for Drake. "You just don't know what you're doing, honey. Maybe it'll be easier when you can be one on one with us." Drake was grateful for her kind words and he gladly accepted her hug.

Once again, it was time to send someone packing. It was a hard decision, but he chose Maren.
"I never thought I really had a chance anyway, but I had fun! I hope Drake and I can remain friends!"

Day 4

Everyone was up bright and early to be presented with the new! Whoever caught the most fish would win a one on one date with Drake! The ladies got their poles ready...
...and didn't have any luck. No one was catching anything! Then, with barely ten minutes left, Janice caught a fish. Janice was excited, surely no one was going to beat her now. But then at the last minute, Andrea also caught a fish. The judges declared hers more valuable and she won the first solo date with Drake!

 Drake was very nervous. He decided to take a soothing bath before his date. Lavender soaks can be very relaxing, and women like the smell of lavender, right?

Once he and Andrea got to the nightclub, they sat down and began to chat. As the night progressed he started feeling more at ease and began to flirt with her. It seemed to be going well.

After awhile he decided to make a move and see what happened. She didn't seem to mind.

 She really didn't seem to mind.

The date went great! Drake was practically floating as they headed home.  He couldn't wait to see what the next day brought.

Stay tuned!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Drifter House 7 - Ugly Edition Days 1 & 2

The ladies arrived late in the day so they decided to wait to officially start til the next day. Drake was too nervous to approach any of them, so he stayed in the kitchen and cooked up some food. He really wished he'd learned more cooking from his mother...he doubted he was going to impress them with his mac 'n cheese.

The ladies were getting along surprisingly well...but then, the contest had yet to actually begin. Janice loved the ice cream maker and soon everyone was noshing on peach gelato. There was much brain freeze to be had.

"Did you know that Drake is a descendant of Randolf Ugly?" Natalie asked with excitement. Randolf's writings were legendary, he was a hero to many of the aesthetically challenged.
The ladies were super excited to hear this news. They were all eager to try to get into his good graces tomorrow.

Day 1

Everyone woke up early, and after breakfast Drake plucked up his courage and started chatting with the ladies. After awhile he felt more at ease and began to eat up the attention they were giving him. He started flirting and was happy to see that they seemed pleased with it. "Maybe I'm not so awkward after all," he thought.

He got so wrapped up in things he almost forgot about the party. It got started a bit later than intended.
Feeling more confident, Drake decided to get in the hottub with the ladies and do more flirting.

The ladies started all nodding off. His ego took a bit of hit on that one. And the caterer decided to stop cooking food and work out instead. Overall, the party did not go well.

At the end of the night, he felt he'd had the most connection with Nora. 

It turned out Nora was allergic to roses, so he just gave her a hug instead.

And, he sent Isabel packing. There just didn't seem to be any connection there.
"I can't believe he chose that scrawny clown-face over me! The hell with him, he clearly has no taste!"

Everyone headed off to bed. What would the next day bring?

Day 2

The ladies awoke the next day to a line of easels set up in the back yard. They were informed that they were to paint a picture, and the two most highly appraised ones would earn a special outing with Drake tomorrow. The ladies eagerly lined up to paint.
The winners were announced, and they were:

And Janice!

The remaining ladies went on an outing to the park with Drake. Drake knew the ladies were upset about losing the contest so he did his best to compliment them and make them feel good about themselves. To Drake's disappointment Nora, who he had felt the most connection to yesterday, was distant and acted jealous of his flirting with the other ladies. Drake felt a bit bad, but this was what he was supposed to do, right?

Ultimately, he had the most fun with Andrea (he decided to do hugs instead of roses, it felt more personal)

As sad as Drake was to do it, he sent Nora home. She just wouldn't talk to him anymore, and he saw no point in keeping her around.
"I just couldn't bear to watch him with the other women. I totally blew my chance. I need to go home and eat an entire pint of ice cream and watch my soaps" *sobs and walks off*

Two women gone...five women left. What will tomorrow bring? Who will prevail in the end? Stay tuned!

Drifter House 7- Ugly Edition: The Bachelor Part 1 Bringing Ugly Back!

Welcome to a new season of Sim Bachelor! Let's meet our eligible bachelor, Drake!
"Um, I'm kind of shy and have trouble talking to girls so my Mom thought this'd be good for me. I'm not sure, I mean, I'm not exactly a stud..." 

Oh don't worry Drake, these ladies won't mind at all. Let's meet our bachelorettes!

Contestant #1: Janice
(original creator: mollypopz)
Traits: Foodie, Snob, Romantic
 "Drake looks like a man who loves his food, it would be a joy to cook for him! And the house is great, I like being surrounded by wealth just like the classy lady I am."

Contestant #2: Maren
(original creator: tronthedj)
Traits: goofball, cheerful, neat

Contestant #3: Isabel
(original creator: kjstudios1)
Traits: mean, hates children, hot-headed
'These other broads don't stand a chance. By the time I'm done with them Drake will want no one but me! Wait, does that tramp Janice have the same tattoo as me? She is so dead!"
Contestant #4: Andrea
(original creator: kimmi-and-karma)
Traits: insane, cheerful, goofball

 Contestant #5: Gloria
(original creator: graciebo002)
Traits: goofball, cheerful, self-assured 

Contestant #6: Natalie
(original creator: ashleylikessims)
Traits: noncommittal, foodie, romantic

Contestant #7: Nora
(original creator: jackyjones2)
Traits: loner, gloomy, jealous